Language: Deutsch English

Last Update: 2024 - 05 - 21

Data Privacy and Data Protection Statement

I take data protection and data privacy seriously. I have no intention to collect any personal data from you that is not willingly provided by yourself. I have no intent to use your personal data for any purpose that was not obvious at the moment you provided the data.

All data is collected and processed in compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

I will never give your data to any third parties for their own use without getting your prior and explicit consent for each individual situation.

I do however use external systems (e.g. web servers, email servers) managed by other companies to store your data. The companies operating the data storage and processing systems for me are called Data Processors in the terminology of the GDPR.

The Data Processors I work with are contractually bound to treat any personal data I entrust to them strictly in accordance to our agreements and apply the standards of the GDPR to the data too.

Upon request, you are entitled to get a copy of the personal data I stored about you. You have the right to request that your personal data is deleted.

Here is a detailed list of the data I collect, where it is stored, and what I do with it.

When you visit this website

Web server log files

Whenever you visit and page on this site, your browser request will be stored in the web server log files.

What data is collected?

The request data collected includes the page requested and your public IP address.

Where is the data stored?

The data is stored on our web server hosted by Keyweb AG in Germany.

For what purposed do we collect the data and for how long will it be stored?

This data is used to detect and prevent technical problems with our website. It can be used to detect abuse, like hacking attempts and (D)DNS attacks, of the website.

While this data includes your IP address, which could be used to identify you as a person, we never combine the server log file data with other information that might allow us to identify you.

The only exception to this rule is abuse of the website. In this case we may pass on this log file data to the law enforcement authorities to investigate criminal activity.

Unless there was any suspicious activity that needs to be investigated, all server log file data is automatically deleted after 30 days.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track visits to this website.

What data is collected?

We collect the pages visited, the source of the link to us (if any), the time spent on each page, and the web browser and device type used.

We do only collect session information. We do no use cookies that would allow us identify you as a person. Any cookie set by our Google Analytics interface expires automatically after a maximum of 24 hours.

You IP address is anonymized before it is ever stored persistently.

Due to the self-imposed limitations to Google Analytics describe above, it is not possible to link any data we collect with Google Analytics to you as a person. For this reason, we do not consider this as personal data in the sense of the GDPR.

Where is the data stored?

The data is stored by Google in the United States of America and is covered by.

For what purposed do we collect the data and for how long will it be stored?

We collect and analyze this data to gather information which content on this site draws the most attention and interest.

We use the insight from this analysis to decide which topics we will cover in the future and which type of content works best to transport the information we provide.

As some interesting insights can be gained from analyzing long term behavioral patterns, we do store this data indefinitely.

This data does not include information that can be used to identify you as a person. This data is therefore not covered by the GDPR. We do include this information here only for completeness and clarification.

Embedded YouTube Videos

Some pages on this website contain embedded content (videos) from video hosting platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo.

If you watch these embedded videos (actively click the play-button), the video hosting site may receive and track information about you and this activity.

We ourselves do not track any information in this case.

This content is merely displayed (embedded) on our site, but we do neither store the content nor are we technically involved in your interaction with this content.

We do not and cannot know what information will be sent by your browser to the external hosting platform.

Email Newsletter

When you subscribe to my Newsletter

What data is collected?

We ask you to enter your email address and your (first) name. We will store this together with the date of subscription and the IP address used to submit the data. Until you received and confirmed an opt-in email we will store your data only temporarily for 7 days.

Additional we collect the page on which you subscribe to the newsletter and the language (English/German) of that page.

Where is the data stored?

This data will be stored by our mailing list partner Mailchimp in the United States.

We have a data processing contract with Mailchimp that binds them to protect the data according to the GDPR as well. However, please note: United States intelligence service may gain access to this data under US surveillance law FISA702 (50 U.S.C. § 1881) without adhering to the due process required by the GDPR.

For what purposed do we collect the data and for how long will it be stored?

We will use your email address to send our newsletter emails to you. – That’s why you subscribed, isn’t it?

You name is used to personally address you in these emails.

The IP-Address and the date of subscription are required to document your expressed consent to receiving email from us.

The page you subscribed on is used to analyze which topics are of particular interest to our newsletter subscribers and which language they prefer the content to be in.

It may be used in the future to send out customized email to you particularly about the topic(s) we think you are interested in.

This data is stored as long as you subscribe to the newsletter. Every email we send includes a link to update your personal data in this email list as well as a link to unsubscribe from this list.

When you click a personalized link in the newsletter email

When you click any personalized link in the newsletter email or you access any exclusively content only available to newsletter subscribers

What data is collected?

We track the link you clicked and link this to your personal information.

Where is the data stored?

This data will be either stored on our web servers in the European Union or by our mailing list partner Mailchimp in the United States.

Mailchimp is certified to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and we do have a data processing contract with Mailchimp that binds them to the legal framework of the GDPR as well.

For what purposed do we collect the data and for how long will it be stored?

We use this information to analyze which topics are of particular interest to our newsletter subscribers.

Additionally, we use this information to detect abuse. E.g. when exclusive, non-public content is distributed to the general public.

When you unsubscribe from the newsletter (see above), your personal data will be removed, but the gathered statistical data will remain without any link to your identity.

You email me personally.

What data is collected?

Obviously, I will store your email address and the content and attachments (if any) of your email message, whatever they may be.

Where is the data stored?

The data is stored on mail servers hosted in the European Union.

For what purposed do we collect the data and for how long will it be stored?

Obviously, I may use the data, particularly your email address, to answer your email.

I may use the information you provided to improve existing or create new content on this website.

By default, your email will be stored according to German laws for business correspondence for 6 years beginning with the year after your email was received.

You can request deleting your email any time. However, upon receiving such a request we need to assess whether we can immediately comply and delete the email correspondence or if we are required by law to keep it according to the legal requirements outlined above.

Responsible Person for Data Protection

I, Philipp Stiefel (Address: Friedensstraße 41, 65719 Hofheim, Germany), am personally responsible for data processing and data protection according to the GDPR. You can send any inquiries regarding data privacy and data protection to This includes any request for a copy of your personal data we have got on record as well as a request for erasing your personal data.

Regulatory Authority

If you have any concerns regarding data privacy, data protection and our handling of your personal data, I ask you to contact us first and allow us to answer your questions and address your concerns.

However, if you feel we are not dealing with your requests in an appropriate and timely manner, you can contact the regulatory authority responsible for our business.

The responsible regulatory authority is:

Der Hessische Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit
Postfach 3163
65021 Wiesbaden

Phone: + 49 (611) 14 08-0
Fax:        + 49 (611) 14 08-900
E-Mail:  poststelle{at}datenschutz.hessen{dot}de

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This email list is hosted at Mailchimp in the United States. See our privacy policy for further details.

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